Region 20 Program Manager - Dr. Alice Graham
S.H. Clarke
2801 Turnpike Road
Portsmouth, VA 23707
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What is the GED®?
The General Educational Development (GED®) test was developed to enable persons who have not graduated from high school, demonstrate the attainment of abilities normally associated with completion of a high school program of studies. Tested subjects include: reasoning through language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.
Why should I take the GED®?
Upon successful completion of the four GED® subject tests, you may continue your education at the postsecondary level. Most U.S. colleges and universities accept applicants with a GED®, provided they meet any other admission requirements. You may also begin a career. Many employers recognize the GED® as the equivalent of a high school diploma.
What is the 2014 GED® test?
In 2014, the GED® 21st Century Initiative changed the GED®. The new assessment measures high school equivalency and, in addition, career and college readiness through a new endorsement. The new test is delivered in a computer-based format. Individuals who did not pass the GED® exam prior to January 1, 2014, will need to take the new exam.
How can I register for the exam?
Go to www.ged.com and create a profile. Once your profile is created, you will be able to register and pay for the test online.
Where do I actually take the test?
Region 20 administers the GED® exam in our Pearson VUE Labs at the locations listed below:
Chesapeake Dept. of Continuing Education
Phone: 757-482-5680
369 S. Battlefield Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23323
College and Career Academy at Pruden
Phone: 757-923-5254
4169 Pruden Blvd. Suffolk, VA 23434
Norfolk Technical Center
Phone: 757-628-3883
1330 N. Military Hwy, Norfolk, VA 23502
Portsmouth Adult Learning Center
Phone: (757) 393-8822
2801 Turnpike Road, Portsmouth, VA 23701
Southampton Technical and Career Center
Phone: 757-653-9170
23450 Southampton Pkwy, Courtland VA 23837
Virginia Beach Adult Learning Center
Phone: 757- 648-6050
5100 Cleveland Blvd., VA Beach, VA 23462
What does the GED® test include?
The GED® includes four subject test batteries: reasoning through language arts, mathematical reasoning, science and social studies. These tests measure the skills considered to be the major outcomes of a high school education. The tests focus on the major use of skills and concepts, rather than upon recall of specific facts. The questions focus on the general abilities to analyze, evaluate, and draw conclusions.

How is the GED® test administered?
The tests are computer-based and include several types of questions, including multiple-choice, fill in the blank, and short answer. Testing times for each exam vary. The science test is 90 minutes, the social studies test is 70 minutes, the math test is 115 minutes, and the language arts test is 150 minutes. Upon passing these exams, you may be awarded a certificate or diploma, depending on the state where it is issued.
How much does the exam cost?
The GED® consists of four battery test. The cost for each test is $30.00 for a total of $120.00. Each test can be taken separately, so it is not necessary to take them all at one time.
Are testing accommodations available for people with disabilities?
Yes. When you create an account at www.ged.com you will be asked if you would like accommodated testing. Select “Yes,” and you will receive additional information on how to submit an accommodations request. Each request is considered on a case-by-case basis and typically takes 30 days to process, after you submit the required forms.
What is a passing score for the GED®?
To qualify for a Virginia GED® Certificate, the following scores and performance levels must be met:
145-164: Pass/High School Equivalency
165-174: Pass/College Ready
175-200: Pass/College Ready + Credit
How long does it take for my test(s) to be scored?
You should receive your scores within three (3) hours or less.
Do I have to complete all of the portions of the GED® exam in a specific period of time?
No. GED® does not enforce a minimum time frame to complete all parts of the exam. However, many states have additional regulations that apply.
How can I study before taking the GED®?
You can register and attend classes if you are at least 18 years of age and not enrolled in school. GED® Testing Service also has resources available to you to help you prepare for the exam, if you wish to study on your own.
What should I bring on the day of the test?
You MUST bring a non-expired, government-issued photo ID with you on test day. You may also consider bringing a TI-30XS hand-held calculator. If not, this type of calculator will be available for use on test day.
What happens if I don’t pass all the tests the first time?
If you did not pass one of your GED® test subjects, you are given two subsequent retests at a reduced rate, with no restrictions between retakes. If you fail the third or any subsequent retest, you must wait 60 days for your next attempt. Additional state requirements may apply.
How do I request a transcript?
You may request a copy of your scores at www.ged.com. For additional questions regarding transcripts and credentialing, please call the Virginia Department of Education’s toll-free number at 1-800-292-3820 – select Option 2 and follow the instructions.
Where can I find more information regarding the GED®
The GED® website is full of valuable information regarding the GED® program. Click on the link to see answers to commonly asked questions. GED® FAQs.